Use Cases CSS

CSS Editing Availability Types

  1. Personal Project pages
  2. Personal Game Jam Pages
  3. Personal profile pages
  4. Shared Pages of creators
  5. CSS Editor Panel

Use cases:

  1. Modification of elements controlled by user-provided HTML to enhance detail or tighten presentation.
  2. Editing User Social Media links (Hide / Disable / Enable / Add).
  3. Adjustment of Frame Borders for Game Content & Assets.
  4. Editing Text Elements of Game Content & Assets.
  5. Customizing Headers (Syntax, Position, Content, and Pictures).
  6. Animation options for Background, Text, GameCells, Icons, tables, Hover-Effect, etc.

The CSS editor governs the interface of each element on a page, including its content. This is facilitated through the “Built-in” theme editor.

Author: VerzatileDev

Published: 10/01/2024