Accessing and borrowing user CSS on

To replicate the CSS style of a user’s asset and or a game page on, follow these steps:

Find and Locate the Desired Page:

  • Visit the user page ( or asset pages ( using Browsers such as: Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, or Chrome.

Edit User Theme Example

Access HTML and CSS Code:

  • Right-click on the desired page.
  • Choose and select “View Page Source” or use Ctrl + U to access a new page displaying the HTML and CSS code of the page.

View Page Source Example

Identify CSS Content:

  • Look for the user’s CSS content, available right after either <style id="user_defined_style_name"> and #wrapper.
  • If these are not present, locate content starting with a period (e.g., “.column.profile_column{}”) or text without coloring written in pure white (In an Unmodified browser).
  • Copy the portion starting from “.” to “{“ until the closing “}”.

Page Source Example

Page Source Content

Verify Accessibility:

  • Ensure you have followed the steps in “Accessing CSS for” on your own user, asset, or game page.
  • Continue to your page or content and make sure you have read how to enable CSS editing access.

Edit Theme:

  • If logged in and the web page is in its default size, locate an “Edit Theme” button, available on user header 5.UI Header.
  • Click “Edit Theme” to open a side panel to the left.

Theme Side Panel Example

Navigate to “Custom CSS” in “Misc” Section:

  • Scroll down to the “Misc” section.
  • Inside, there is a section called “Custom CSS” click on the associated field.

Custom Css Field Example

Paste Borrowed CSS:

  • The box is where you can use the “CSS that was borrowed” or your own text.
  • Paste the copied CSS into the box.
  • Click “save”

Edit Css Box Example

Preview Changes:

  • Review and ensure the desired content was affected.
  • (Make sure to Save the content).

Final State:

   #wrapper <style id="userContent">
      .someCopiedSection {
      /* Your style content here */

      /* Your access part here */

      .someCopiedSection2 {
      /* Your style content here */

Author: VerzatileDev

Published: 10/01/2024