Access to CSS

Offers costumization to user-generated content, modifying the’s core style.

Information on CSS Use-Cases.
Read the official CSS Customization Guide By


1. Project Requirements:

  • User page must showcase a minimum of (2) projects, either Game(s), Asset(s), Tool(s) or combined.
  • Content must be downloadable and or purchasable.

2. Access Request Details:

  • Provide a reason(s) for requesting access to CSS.
  • Include a detailed description on how you intend to use and apply (CSS) on the user or content page(s).

3. CSS Modification Conditions:

  • Do not alter or compromise the fundamental structure of’s core (CSS) functionality.
  • Ensure that your page’s content remains accessible, operable, and readable.
  • Apply a #wrapper and <style> at the start of your custom (CSS), which overwrites the core content of (CSS).
  • Ending it with </style>.

The content must start/open with a #wrapper condition, specified with a <style> element, which is uniquely identified with an ID attribute such as myAwesomeNewStyle or an alternative of your choosing. Each <style> tag should be initiated with <style id="myAwesomeNewStyle"> and concluded with </style>.

    <style id="myAwesomeNewStyle">
        // Two forward slashes indicate a "CSS" style comment.
        // Code must be written Inside of <style> and </style>


4. UI Modification Restrictions:

  • Do not alter’s built-in UI, including global borders such as the header, which includes: Edit Project, Edit Profile, Dashboard, Logo, Edit Theme, etc.
  • Do not modify the footer of the page, including links like and Community Profile.


Header Example


Footer Example

How to Request access?

Read the Css Creator Guide or link to the website of CSS ( locate the “Contact us” form.

Access Contact form:

  1. Locate the website’s Contact form for on -> (, with a button called ` e-mail “ “ `.

  2. There will be two options, either through an outlook pop-up or do it manually by sending an e-letter to ` `.

You must use the same (E-Mail) Address as your account that you are requesting accces to!

Subject: “CSS access Request - your_Username “
Field: Be respectful, provide a section of the intended changes.

Field Example:

  1. Centre Text.
  2. Justify Text.
  3. Change Mouse Icon (In a way that your website remains accessible for others).
  4. Modify .gamecell content (Centring its text contents).
  • Keep it simple, provide the basic outline for the intended changes on the website, which are not available by their default “Theme Editor” functionality.

At the end of the e-mail, mention that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of using CSS on

Expect to be notified in approximently 1 - 2 weeks, on the Accepted or Denied response.

Author: VerzatileDev

Published: 10/01/2024