Welcome to VerzatileDevOrg Home WebPage!

Welcome to the Home Page of the Organization, please see the following information and continue from here:

About the Organization

An organization full of contributors / users interested in the development of the open source and with the outgoing aim to learn and improve the existing knowledge of programming for web/software with the idea to have documentation along the way.

Currently active Repositories:

  1. C Image Processor Application
  2. Programmers Handbook
  3. DLLs in a folder Documentation

Why was it created?

It was created by VerzatileDev and Sommos as a way to collaborate on C Image Processor Application. The following application takes an input image rescales it and lets the user apply filters to the image upon which they are saved to the output directory, there are various different version that can be select from read the repository for more information!

Future ?

For the remaining future the aim is to involve the organization more into documentation writing see as an example Programming Handbook, where the idea is to guide the programmer in a bettter directon of getting simple information that is easily readable and useful. It also sets other books and forums apart by being an open source innitiative, where anyone can request for changes and report issues with the documentation, though the main goal of the repository is to introduce concepts that a new programmer or more experienced ones to see different areas that they might have not touched previously.

Wish to collaborate ?

You are in the correct place, please open one of the active repositories currently such as Programming Handbook and C image processing Appplication.,

Alternatively you can take a look at the other repositories that are in the works, or look to improve exisitng documentation or tackle one of the opened issues.

Wish to make a repository ?

Please contact VerzatileDev or open an issue withing the .github repository and I can guide you to get started with open source or the creation of a new repository.

Wishing you all the very best and hope to see you contribute!